Johanna Rumphorst

It isn’t always easy to keep the house clean and tidy, especially if you have children. The lockdown and social distancing measures has resulted in many parents home schooling their children all while also being in home office themselves. That can put a strain on the peace of many households and a messy house won’t help to lift the mood. With schools and day care facilities opening again, it is a good opportunity to organize your home and add calming elements to feel comfortable and ease the stress – for both you and your children.

Step 1: Minimize things

The most important aspect of an organized house is to declutter non-essentials. In particular, kid’s toys can easily get out of hand. It can be cathartic and emotional to pass on your children’s toys, especially if you give those toys away to charities which by consequence will make another kid happy! Let your children choose the toys they want to keep, but we recommend doing the most part without them watching – for your sake, and to keep peace with your little hoarders! The same applies to clothes: if your kid doesn’t love it now, chances are they never will. Everything that doesn’t fit anymore or any garments that your children are refusing to wear – charity! It will save you time and nerves, plus give more valuable storage space.

Step 2: Storage more stylish

After getting rid of the stuff you don’t need, it’s time to rearrange the storage! The goal is not only to store everything better, but also to make it more aesthetically pleasing. Let’s be honest, although those bulky plastic tubs are practical and useful, they look better when hidden. Instead, you could use woven baskets, wooden crates or a vintage trunk – it’s important to check if they are child-friendly, but most are designed to be in a family’s home. It is also important for your kid to know that there’s a place for everything – that way, if you’re not there to tidy up, your children know where it’s supposed to go and can learn too!

Step 3: Add art and objects

Your favourite art is a perfect visual reminder that you are still an adult, even though you spend most of your day negotiating with a toddler. Art not only adds colour, but also helps to make the house look chic and sophisticated. Paintings and posters usually sit up high and are therefore out of the reach for your children, making them easy safe additions to your home. We recommend applying this to most artwork and treasured items, just place them out of reach of your children.

This can help to introduce your child to artsy objects, so long as they are robust enough. You can also use big artwork in your living room to distract your guests and yourself from the mess that the kids left behind – it’s a win-win!