Isabella Ross

It is the sombre truth that stress and an unhealthy lifestyle have the unfortunate tendency to impact heavily on one’s skin. For those feeling like their ageing clock has quadrupled in speed, here are three simple strategies that can easily be executed to benefit your complexion and overall wellbeing.

Stay Hydrated

Given the recommended water intake for adults is two litres per day, dehydration is a common concern for a significant percentage of the population. A lack of hydration and moisture in the body can often result in a dull complexion and dryness. With dehydration it also becomes increasingly difficult to cover up those dark under-eye bags. For an incredibly inexpensive way to take the years off there is a simple solution – water! Arguably one of the cheapest natural beauty remedies on offer, water can not only help you feel your best mentally but also promote skin cell regeneration.

Put The Salt Down

When in the need to grab some food on the go it can be very tempting to eat something quick and cheap. However this is not a wise option. Research from the Heart Foundation revealed that over 75% of our salt intake comes from processed foods, which can result in your skin producing excess oil and breakouts. By keeping a supply of healthy snacks on hand and choosing lunches with a low-sodium intake you will definitely notice a reduction in breakouts and an improvement in your complexion.


DIY Skin Care

There is no question that beauty products specialised for anti-ageing tend to be on the pricey side. Luckily, there is a range of natural beauty products that can achieve the same result as those serums and creams. Coconut oil has an abundance of uses – acting as a cleanser, moisturizer and makeup remover – and even has anti-inflammatory properties. Used for centuries, tea tree oil is a great natural product to fight those odd breakouts and redness. Another inexpensive skin treatment is raw honey. Being one of the best natural sources of vitamins and antioxidants for the skin, honey is the perfect ingredient to use in a DIY face mask.