Danielle Armour

How did your 2016 New Year’s resolutions fair last year? If you stuck to it you are one of only 8 per cent of people who achieved the goal they set themselves on January 1. If not, here are some tips to make sure you keep to it, at least for a bit longer than you did this year


The biggest problem with New Year’s resolutions is that they are vague. Following the SMART guideline when setting goals makes it much harder to back out. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Assignable, Realistic and Time-related. Losing 10kg by June 30 Is more motivational than to lose weight generally.


In line with SMART goals, planning is essential to achieving goals. This includes how you will measure your achievement and strategies to ensure to do reach your goal. This may include making a budget or hiring a personal trainer. There are less chances to back out if you can see how you can reach the end goal.

Make resolutions with someone

If motivation is a struggle, make a resolution with a friend, partner or family member. When you are struggling to commit to your resolution, they can remind you why you started in the first place and how far you’ve come. Even if you don’t make the same resolution, you can still be accountable for ensuring each other doesn’t give up.

Less is more

Giving up alcohol, sugary foods and Netflix binges all at once? While not impossible, multiple lifestyle changes at once can be impossible to maintain. Try setting one goal this year, and working to maintain that. If you achieve it early, set another one for the remainder of the year. Resolutions aren’t exclusive to January 1.

Give yourself some leeway

If at first you don’t succeed, try again. This mantra is perfect for New Year’s resolutions. Just remember, even by having a New Year’s resolution, you are ten times more likely to achieve your goals than someone who doesn’t.